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Kevin Scott Daniel
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Dir of Infrastructure & Res, Computing Services
Office Address: Computing Services
208 Edgemont Blvd
Suite 4070
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877741
Email: ksdaniel@adams.edu (Preferred)

Clayton Davis Jr
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Custodian I, Facilities Services
Office Address: FAC
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877951
Email: bcdavis@adams.edu (Preferred)

Stacy Lynn Davis
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: AITC Inst Trainer, AITC
Office Address: MCD 115
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877371
Email: sdavis@adams.edu (Preferred)

Maria Rocio De Lira (Rocio)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Administrative Assistant II, Correspondence Education Program
Email: deliramr@adams.edu (Preferred)

Zachary R Decker
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Police Officer I, ASC Police Department
Email: deckerzr@adams.edu (Preferred)

Natrelle Davonte Demison
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Wrestling Coach, Athletics

Erika Lynn Derouin
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Police Chief, Police
Office Address: PET-1
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877901
Email: ederouin@adams.edu (Preferred)

Wes A Devaul (Wes)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Admin Asst Alumni Relations, Foundation
Office Address: 208 Edgemont Blvd Ste 3080
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877609
Email: devaulwa@adams.edu (Preferred)

Beverly Ruth DeVore-Wedding
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Teacher Ed Asst Prof, Teacher Education

Paul Joseph Dickman
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Swim Coach, Athletics

Jerah Autumn Dickson (Jerah)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Program Assistant II, Academic Affairs
Office Address: RH - Suite 2-200
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877622
Email: jadickson@adams.edu (Preferred)

Ms Margaret June Doell
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate VP Acad Affairs, Academic Affairs
Office Address: RH-Suite 2-200
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5878383
Email: mjdoell@adams.edu (Preferred)

Mckinley Kenai Douglas (Kenai)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Interim Veterans Coord, Veteran Affairs
Email: douglasmk@adams.edu (Preferred)

James William Doyle III
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Music Adjunct Instructor, Music
Office Address: MUS-122
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877702
Email: jwdoyle@adams.edu (Preferred)

Alexander B Duncan
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Coach Track/Cross Country, Athletics
Email: aduncan@adams.edu

Peggy E Dunn
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Technician III, Public Relations and Marketing
Office Address: RH-Suite 1-500
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877841
Email: pedunn@adams.edu (Preferred)

Terry L Dupler
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Kinesiology Assoc Prof, HPPE
Office Address: EC-111G
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877271
Email: tdupler@adams.edu (Preferred)
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