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Michael Clarence Rael
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: IT Professional, Computing Services
Office Address: Computing Services
208 Edgemont Blvd
Suite 4070
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877903
Email: mcrael@adams.edu (Preferred)

Nathanial T Rael
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Police Officer I, Police
Office Address: PET-1
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877901
Email: ntrael@adams.edu

Brittany J Raines
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: CS Mgr Support Servs, Computing Services
Email: braines@adams.edu

Kiana N Rasubala
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Coord Fitness and Wellness, Student Services

William Steven Reed (Will)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: School of Business-Assistant Professor of General Business Entrepreneurship-Non-Tenure Track, School of Business
Office Address: 8B Faculty Drive
Alamosa, CO 81101
United States of America
Office Telephone: 719 5877460

Dr Linda W Reid (Linda)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Sch Bus MBA Adjunct Instr, School of Business
Office Address: BUS-237
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877131
Email: lwreid@adams.edu (Preferred)

Ms Linda Sue Relyea
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Dir of Public Rel & Marketing, Public Relations and Marketing
Office Address: RH-Suite1-500 Rm 602
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877827
Email: lsrelyea@adams.edu (Preferred)

Maegan Renee
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: CE Adjunct Instructor, Counselor Education
Email: maeganrenee@adams.edu (Preferred)

Sarah E Rhett
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Technical Business Analyst, Computing Services
Office Address: RH-Suite 3-003A
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877631
Email: sarahrhett@adams.edu (Preferred)

Neil P Rigsbee
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: GS CE Associate Professor, Counselor Education
Office Address: MCD-148
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877628
Email: neilrigsbee@adams.edu (Preferred)

Adrian Jerrod Riley
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Asst. Coach Football, Athletics
Email: ariley@adams.edu (Preferred)

Lucio Guadalupe Rios Jr
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Custodian I, Facilities Services
Email: riosl1@adams.edu (Preferred)

Lawrence J Rivera
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Custodian I, Facilities Services
Email: ljrivera@adams.edu

Dr. Patricia A Robbins (Pat)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adams State Online, School of Business
Office Address: BUS 110
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877472
Email: patrobbins@adams.edu (Preferred)

Bibi Farida Roberts (Bibi)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: CE Adjunct Faculty, Counselor Education
Email: robertsbf001@adams.edu

Dr. Tracey L Robinson
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Kinesiology Professor, HPPE
Office Address: EC-111E
208 Edgemont Blvd
Department of HPPE - Suite 4500
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877663
Email: tlrobins@adams.edu (Preferred)

Beth Ann Robison
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Professor of Music, Music
Office Address: MUS - 102A
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877703
Email: brobison@adams.edu (Preferred)

Isiah Davidlee Rodarte (Isiah)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Cross Country/Track Coach, Athletics
Email: irodarte@adams.edu

Deborah Kay Rodda
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Athletic Trainer, Athletics
Email: drodda@adams.edu (Preferred)

Maxine Kay Rodriguez
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Admin Assistant III, Admissions
Office Address: RH Welcome Center, Suite 1-100
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877712
Email: mkrodriguez@adams.edu (Preferred)

Juana M Rodriguez Tarango
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Temporary Accountant, Accounting
Office Address: 208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877657
Email: rodrigueztarangojm@adams.edu (Preferred)

Natalie S Rogers
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assist Professor of Business, School of Business
Office Address: BUS-213
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877316
Email: natalierogers@adams.edu (Preferred)

Tracy Kay Rogers
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Dir Human Resources, Human Resources
Office Address: RH-Suite 1-400
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877990
Email: tracy_rogers@adams.edu (Preferred)

Melissa K Romero
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: First Year Advising Center Assistant Director, Student Success Center
Office Address: NIE-131
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5878205

Clarissa Sadie Romero David (Sadie)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Admin Assistant II, Extended Studies
Office Address: RH-Suite 1-800
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5878206
Email: romerocs@adams.edu (Preferred)

German Nolberto Romero-Rosales (German)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Asst Coach Football, Athletics
Email: romerorosalesgn@adams.edu (Preferred)

Bruce A Rosengrant
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: VP Comm Engage & Communication, Public Relations and Marketing
Email: brucerosengrant@adams.edu

Katrina Lyn Ruggles
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: GS CE Adjunct Instructor, Counselor Education
Email: caldonruggleskl@adams.edu

Stephanie Ruiz
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Asst Coach Women's BBall, Athletics
Email: ruizs1@adams.edu (Preferred)

Lisa Ann Runck
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: GS Counselor Ed Adjunct Instr, Counselor Education
Email: lisarunck@adams.edu (Preferred)

Kevin Mark Ruybal
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Grounds & Nursery III, Facilities Services
Office Address: FS
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877951
Email: kruybal@adams.edu (Preferred)

Maximiliano J Ruybal (Max)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Asst Athl Dir Acad Affairs, Athletics
Office Address: PH-C111
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877294
Email: mjruybal@adams.edu (Preferred)
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