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Charles Nicholas Saenz (Nick)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Professor of History, HAPPSS
Office Address: MCD-364
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877102
Email: cnsaenz@adams.edu (Preferred)

Angelo Matthew Salazar
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Structural Trades I, Facilities Services
Office Address: FS
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877951
Email: angelosalazar@adams.edu (Preferred)

Jarad Jose Sanchez (Jarad)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Admissions Counselor, Admissions
Office Telephone: 719 5880298
Email: sanchezjj002@adams.edu (Preferred)

Lillian B Sanchez
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Administrative Assistant II, Student Business Services
Office Address: Financial Aid
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877308
Email: lilliansanchez@adams.edu (Preferred)

Penny G Sanders
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Counselor Education Faculty, Counselor Education
Office Address: MCD 150
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5878377
Email: pennysanders@adams.edu (Preferred)

Leonard E Sandoval Jr
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Equipment Mechanic III, Facilities Services
Office Address: FAC
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877951
Email: lsandoval@adams.edu (Preferred)

Louie A Sandoval
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Accounting Technician II, Student Business Services
Email: sandovalla@adams.edu (Preferred)

Noel Barreira Santos
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: ASU Distance Education, Adams State Online
Email: noelsantos@adams.edu (Preferred)

Kelsey Scanlan
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: GS CE Adjunct Instructor, Counselor Education
Email: wardk@adams.edu

Matthew David Scavezze
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Residence Hall Director, Housing
Office Address: COR
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877227
Email: mattscavezze@adams.edu (Preferred)

Colleen Marie Schaffner
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Professor of Psychology, Psychology
Office Address: MCD-356
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877783
Email: cschaffner@adams.edu (Preferred)

Ken A Schell
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Custodian II, Facilities Services
Office Telephone: 719 5878178

Dr Matthew C Schildt
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Professor of Music, Music
Office Address: MUS-107
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877606
Email: mschildt@adams.edu (Preferred)

Cheryl A Schilling
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: PT Front Range Recruiter, Admissions
Email: cheryschilling@adams.edu

Mr Eugene Schilling
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: A&L Professor of Art, Art
Office Address: ART-115
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877301
Email: easchill@adams.edu (Preferred)

Roselie C Schlaufman
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Admin Assistant III, Extended Studies
Office Address: RH-Suite 1-800
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81102
Office Telephone: 719 5877796
Email: rschlaufman@adams.edu (Preferred)

Heidi Lynn Schneider
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor of Sociology, Sociology
Office Address: MCD-376
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5878129
Email: hlschneider@adams.edu (Preferred)

Kristen DLynn Scott
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Adams State Online, Extended Studies
Email: kristenscott@adams.edu (Preferred)

Nathaniel Lee Sellers (Nathan)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: IT Support Coordinator, Computing Services
Office Telephone: 719 5877031
Email: natesellers@adams.edu (Preferred)

Ahmed Adel Awad Shafee
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences, Chemistry/Computer Sciences/Math
Email: aashafee@adams.edu (Preferred)

Mathew Thomas Sharples
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Professor of Biology, Biology/Earth Sciences
Email: msharples@adams.edu (Preferred)

Russell Dale Shawcroft
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Asst Dir of Scholarships & Rec, One Stop Student Services
Office Address: One-Stop
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
United States of America
Office Telephone: 719 5877461
Email: russellshawcroft@adams.edu

Martha Shepp
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Music Department Accompanist, Art Department
Email: mshepp@adams.edu

Robert Leon Siemering
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Equipment Operator II, Motor Pool Operations
Email: rsiemering@adams.edu

Julie Ann Silipo (Julie)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: GS CE Adjunct Instructor, Counselor Education
Email: silipoja@adams.edu

Ronald Dee Singer
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Laboratory Support I, Science/Math/Technology
Office Address: SMT-305/222
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5878208
Email: ronaldsinger@adams.edu (Preferred)

Mrs Danielle Patrice Smith (Danielle)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Dir Student Support Servs, Student Support Services
Office Address: Nielsen Library 107
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5878176
Email: dpsmith@adams.edu (Preferred)

Dawnia Gayle Brownlow Smith
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Administrative Assistant III, Extended Studies
Office Telephone: 719 5878137
Email: dawniasmith@adams.edu

Katelyn Marie Smith
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Athletic Director, Athletics
Office Address: PH-C126
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877401
Email: ksmith@adams.edu (Preferred)

Randall B Smith
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Sr Sys Administrator/Architect, Computing Services
Office Address: CS
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877741
Email: rbsmith@adams.edu

Mr Kermit M Snyder
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Teacher Ed Adjunct Instr, Teacher Education
Email: kmsnyder@adams.edu (Preferred)

Judith St John
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Visiting Associate Professor of Biology, Biology/Earth Sciences
Office Address: Porter Hall 202
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5878112
Email: judystjohn@adams.edu (Preferred)

Ms Colleen Anne Stabolepszy
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: GS CE Adjunct Instructor, Counselor Education
Email: cstabolepszy@adams.edu (Preferred)

Kim Dale Stanger
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Custodian I, Facilities Services
Email: kdstanger@adams.edu

Madeleine N Stevens (Maddy)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Counselor Ed Clinical Faculty, Counselor Education
Email: madeleinestevens@adams.edu (Preferred)

Michael Phoenix Stewart
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Associate Professor of Sociology, Sociology
Office Address: MCD-386
208 Edgemont Blvd
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877146
Email: michaelstewart@adams.edu (Preferred)

Mr Jeffrey D Storm (Jeff)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Assistant Director of Admissions Recruitment, Admissions
Office Address: Transfer Student Coordinator
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877528
Email: jdstorm@adams.edu (Preferred)

Madalyn Dawn Stouder (Maddie)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Admissions Counselor Denver Metro, Admissions

Jesika Diane Stuart
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: GS CE Adjunct Instructor, Counselor Education
Email: stuartjd@adams.edu

Zachary J Survillas
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Athletics Administrative Assistant, Federal Work Study Operations
Email: survillaszj@adams.edu (Preferred)

Ms Virginia L Svaldi (Virginia)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Counselor Ed Adjunct Instr, Counselor Education
Email: vlsvaldi@adams.edu (Preferred)

Shelly R Swing (Shelly Polzin)
Employee Position Title, Employee Department: Counselor Ed Clinical Coord, Counselor Education
Office Address: Adams State University
208 Edgemont
Suite 3160
Alamosa, CO 81101
Office Telephone: 719 5877607
719 5877607
Email: shellypolzin@adams.edu (Preferred)
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